Introduction and Explanation of the Following Tools 

Crop Estimating Calculator - By Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi

Fertilizer Calculator - Look for the links here. For actual calculations it is preferable to use the new calculator available on this page

Fruit Nutrient Removal Calculator - By Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi

Irrigation Scheduling Calculator - By Reuben Hofshi, Shanti Hofshi

Irrigation Water Mineral Content Calculator - By Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi

A new way to look at the district water analysis data over time (requires Microsoft Excel 10 or higher). Instructions available on YouTube. - by Rodrigo Iturrieta, Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi

Periodic Table of the Elements - From Wikipedia

Rain Calculator - By Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi

Recommended Fertilizer Calculator - By Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi

Tree Loss Calculator - To calculate the value of tree loss from freeze. From the department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

UC Riverside Avocado Variety Database

Useful Charts and Nutrient Information